söndag 28 februari 2010
Yellow fish
Bubbles in the blue

For more blue photos visit Blue Monday at Smiling Sally.
For more close-up photos go visit Macro Monday at Lisa's Chaos.
Bildligt talat
The old thing
I have had a couple of questions about what "the old thing" that I took these details from.
Well I took them from this thing that I believe are supposed to look like an ivory. It hase lots of details in it, I guess you'll see more of that later on.
Well I took them from this thing that I believe are supposed to look like an ivory. It hase lots of details in it, I guess you'll see more of that later on.
lördag 27 februari 2010
Have a nice week all of you!
Shadow Shot Sunday #93
Made an easy one this week, my little girl broke her leg last monday and that takes a lot of time and I have a hard time leaving the house when I have a baby and four older kids too.
Monochrome Weekend
Wordless Wednesday, all week long.
fredag 26 februari 2010
Sun at last
Last wednesday we had some sun, cold sun, but at least SUN!
For more pictures, please visit Scenic Sunday.
Visitkort / Buisness card
This weeks theme at Bildverkstaden is Buisnesscard.
I took this picture (from wednesday, one of few days with sun).

And with PhotoScape (love that program) I shrunk it to 260 pixels on the long side. Then I made a line around the picture and after that I did put in some text in the blue sky.

Another easy one from me, but at the moment I don't have much time. Haven't slept much since monday when my two-year-old broke her leg.
Have a nice weekend all of you.
Love Shannara!
I took this picture (from wednesday, one of few days with sun).
And with PhotoScape (love that program) I shrunk it to 260 pixels on the long side. Then I made a line around the picture and after that I did put in some text in the blue sky.
Another easy one from me, but at the moment I don't have much time. Haven't slept much since monday when my two-year-old broke her leg.
Have a nice weekend all of you.
Love Shannara!
torsdag 25 februari 2010
Energi i Wolframtråd
Använder man en del av sin fantasi så kan man se färgerna orange, brun och beige i bilden också.=) De färgerna är denna veckas färger hos FredagsFärger.
Something old, something new
Skywatch Friday - Halo
More skies at Skywatch Friday.
onsdag 24 februari 2010
Torsdagsfotos tema denna vecka är färgsprakande. Jag kom genast att tänka på dessa sommarfoton då jag såg temat. Mina ungar höll på att bli knäckta på mej då jag kröp omkring på backen och fotade påväg till badplatsen! =)

Photos from Austria
As I told you last week I hardly remember ever leaving this country. I also told you that I thought my interest for photography were something new, but I guess I was wrong.
This are some photos from a place in Austria that I visited when I was 16 years old. I don't remember where it is so if you see something familiar please let me know.
Here we go (a quick one this week because I'm so tired, my daughter broke her leg late monday and it still hurts at night).

Please visit Remember Whensday and/or Arkiverat for more photos from other participants.
This are some photos from a place in Austria that I visited when I was 16 years old. I don't remember where it is so if you see something familiar please let me know.
Here we go (a quick one this week because I'm so tired, my daughter broke her leg late monday and it still hurts at night).
Rose in Water

New day is rising
Sepia Scenes #72
For more Sepia, please visit Sepia Scenes.
tisdag 23 februari 2010
F is for Fantastic
This Fantastic painting is made by my two years old daughter. I have been facing it for hours and I see so many different things in it! I just love it. It's fabulous.

For more F:s, please visit ABC Wednesday.
For more F:s, please visit ABC Wednesday.
My World Tuesday - Old Homestead Museum
Two photos from Nysäters Old Homestead Museum. There are a third building there too, but I don't have a good photo of it. I do have lots of summerphotos from the place, but they are full of other people so this will have to do. There are some more photos at this link Hembygdsgården.
The heritage centre in Gillberga is a log-cabin from the early 19th century with a turf roof. It was before a homestead. There are also two other buildings.
The "big" house has one room and one kitchen with a oven and a open fireplace.
I'm sorry it got so short this week, but my youngest daughter (who is two) broke her leg yesterday evening so I've spent the night at the ER.
For more My World Tuesday, please visit That's My World.
My earlier posts in That's my world:
That's My World
My World Tuesday - Vikings
My World Tuesday - Von Echstedtska
My World Tuesday - Hösås
My World Tuesday - Church
My World Tuesday - Another Church
Climbing and it's result
For others, and probably better macroshots, visit Macro Lovers.
For others sporty photos visit Mandagstema.
For others chaotic shots vist TisdagsTema.
To read about our adventures at the hospital this night (in swedish) go here.
måndag 22 februari 2010
Colourful Frog
söndag 21 februari 2010
Shining like a sun
More Wordless Wednesday, all week long.
Bildligt talat v.8
Fototriss - Oväntat
Under 2009 hände det mest underbara oväntade mej. Den mest oväntade av alla mina sex barn, men, måste jag påpeka, lika önskad och älskad som alla sina syskon!
Helt oväntat fick jag ett plus på stickan.
Completely unexpectedly I discovered I was pregnant.

Lika oväntat fick jag sen veta att graviditeten gått ganska långt redan. (Jag skulle visst ha blivit gravid ungefär samtidigt som min älskade Molla gick bort, en omöjlighet.)

Och mitt i sommaren kom det lilla oväntade plusset ut och visade sej vara en alldeles underbar, perfekt liten kille.

För att se på andra deltagares tolkning av oväntat besök Fototriss!
To see other participant's interpretation of the unexpected, please visit Fototriss.
Helt oväntat fick jag ett plus på stickan.
2009 the most unexpected happened to me. The most unexpected, but, I must point out, as loved and wished for as all the other kids, child in this family were born. Completely unexpectedly I discovered I was pregnant.
Lika oväntat fick jag sen veta att graviditeten gått ganska långt redan. (Jag skulle visst ha blivit gravid ungefär samtidigt som min älskade Molla gick bort, en omöjlighet.)
Equally unexpectedly, I was then told that the pregnancy gone quite far already. (I would certainly have become pregnant around the same time as my beloved Molla died, an impossibility.)
Och mitt i sommaren kom det lilla oväntade plusset ut och visade sej vara en alldeles underbar, perfekt liten kille.
And in the middle of the summer the unexpected arrived. A beutiful, perfect little boy.
För att se på andra deltagares tolkning av oväntat besök Fototriss!
To see other participant's interpretation of the unexpected, please visit Fototriss.
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