lördag 1 maj 2010

Can you find the animal?

Pretty good camouflaged in there, but cute, at least as long as they stay in the forest.

More animals at Camera Critters

This weeks theme in Shannara's SaurdayMix is... Well, it's a strange theme I think. Check it out here>> and feel free to participate yourself!

9 kommentarer:

  1. Is that an opposum or a big rat?

    Not very fond of those critters myself - but do like the way the colors all blend together.

  2. It's a little forrest-mouse (vole)...

  3. Cute little guy .. you are correct .. a long as they stay in the forrest! :D Happy Critter Day!

  4. Kunde nästan inte se den, dom är fiffiga att gömma sig dom små liven.

    Ha en bra lördag.


  5. Yes, very cute...in the forest. :)

  6. I found it too. Nicely hidden though. It camourflage with the environment.


Tack för att du har något att skriva ;)