Problems. We are having problems to find our little cat who escaped yesterday morning. She is an indoor cat and the most sweet cat you can find. I guess some of the other cat's in the area has chased her away. =(
Precious and Perfect. My lovely daughter (who is crying her eyes out at the moment) turns 13 tomorrow and today we celebrated her with gifts and cake. She is the most precious and perfect teenanger that a mother can wish for.
Petal. I'm having lots of fun taking pictures on flowers from underneath at the moment. Adorable petal on this tulip, isn't it?
Pretty! Very pretty.
SvaraRaderaBeautiful artsy shot of the tulip petal and happy birthday to your daughter tomorrow.
SvaraRaderaYour daughter is beautiful!! What a lovely smile! So sorry about cat! Hope you find her. Your photos of the petals are marvelous! Great post for the day, Shannara! Have a great weekend!
Sometimes the cat comes back; they're more loyal to place than to people.
SvaraRaderaHappy natal day, daughter of blogger.
On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you! - ROG
Your daughter turned 13, mine turned 22 yesterday, and today she got a job as a lawyer and she is over the moon.
SvaraRaderaTack för kramen och de fina orden. :)
SvaraRaderaJag börjar jobba klockan 16 idag och sen jobbar jag nästan oavbrutet fram tills på söndag, så jag lovar att hålla ögonen öppna hela tiden när vi kör runt...jag säger även till de andra på jobbet att hålla koll.
Hon är alltså helt enfärgad (det är inget vitt på henne som inte syns på bilden? )