All photos at this site are taken by me and are my property. BUT if you ask me nicely you may borrow them as long as you ask first AND links back to me.
Enjoy your stay
I hope you like what you see and that you will come back and visit again. Don't forget to look around some, it's not always my pictures are linked to a meme. (=
My camera
All of my pictures are taken with an ordinary compact camera. The shots from the last year are taken with a Canon digital IXUS 950 IS. My older pics are shot with a Canon digital IXUS 55.
Congrats to your runners. Good for them for running to well and winning medals. They all look pretty happy in the photos, well except for the sleeping one.
Helt normal har jag nog aldrig varit, tack och lov!
Mamma till sex barn, tre som numera räknas som vuxna. Bonusmamma till en go grabb. Sambo med världens underbaraste, tokiga älskling, snart mormor och kattägd av två lika onormala individer som resten av kaosfamiljen.
Välkomna till mitt älskade Kaos!
Wonderful mosaic of your runners. They must be happy and proud about their medals.
SvaraRaderaOh, so nice!
SvaraRaderaHappy MM!
Vilket fint mosaik, så nöjda de ser ut :) Du får gratta dem för medaljen!
SvaraRaderaHi, wonderful mosaics, how awesome! Hope that you have a lovely week!
Congrats to your runners. Good for them for running to well and winning medals. They all look pretty happy in the photos, well except for the sleeping one.
SvaraRaderaHow sweet to see those little faces and running too for a medal.