This weekend we had Vikingating (I don't know how to write that in english, but it's kind of a gathering of vikings). Down by Byälven a whole village of Vikings and knights are built and medieval markets are held. This year they even had a wedding.
Most of the village, the museum and other things around this place stays all year around. (Read my earlier post about the museum and Glad of Gillberga
Here is an explosion of photos from this event.

At the market you could buy your own outfit.
In the village

Many of the persons, vikings, have been living here several weeks, some of them the whole summer to fix everything.

The trousseau

This is like a labyrinth, called Stendansen (stone and dance, stonedance)

The bride, bridegroom and their follow on the way to Stonedance for the first part of the cermony.

Walking to the place for the actual wedding.

Husband and Wife

Glad of Gillberga

The runestone, made by hand. They laid the last hand on it at saturday.

If you break the law, then this is the punishment. Beeing stuck in this thing...

Last, but not least, there where a big field filled with old games. The kids loved it!

There were so much more. Tournaments and other activities... I can't show you all of it, I did'nt even see all of it myself. =)
My world Tuesday
Now this is rustic camping!
SvaraRaderaWhat a great way to see and enjoy history!
Oh my, I would love to visit this place! The craftsmanship of everything is just gorgeous and it must be so interesting to see how the vikings lived in the past. Thank you so much for this fantastic peek!
SvaraRaderavery interesting photos, nice series
SvaraRaderaEnjoy your week,
Seen on My World Tuesday
I was so excited when I saw your pictures-I love to go to events like this and would love to dress up and learn about the vikings. To live out there a few weeks would be so fun. Thanks for letting me see the event thru pictures.